Nomad™ Portable Asphalt Plants

Intended for portability, durability, and reliability, Nomad plants meet the demands of a variety of small, medium and large projects that require quality hot mix asphalt. Nomad plants are designed and built in the U.S.A. with proven results around the globe. You can depend on your Nomad plant to produce high-quality hot mix asphalt for years to come with a minimum of upkeep.


Portable, Durable, Reliable



Features & Benefits

  • Available in two sizes, designed for maximum production capacities of 80 or 130 tons per hour (72 or 118 MTPH).
  • Nomad plants are offered in various configurations, from the standard plant, with two split bins and a wet scrubber, to the expanded plant with baghouse and a silo.
  • Compact design.
  • Proven reliability and production capabilities.